Saturday, December 24, 2011

Whooooops lol

So, yeah, the semester kind of caught up with me.  Let's recap the end of the semester, shall we?


As the semester began to wrap up, teaching became a bit more difficult.  I wasn't as on the ball with prep or grading, and while I don't think it was a huge problem, it definitely made my life much more stressful.  My students struggled a lot with the first paper assignment; I had to deal about seven or eight failing grades.  The other assignments improved, which was nice, and most students fared well on the final exam.  I will certainly miss a lot of my students, and the chances of getting any of my favorite students again next semester are slim to none.  I'm still teaching intro, but the second semester is the cell/molecular/micro/awesome semester.  That means all of the students who AP'ed out of semester 1 are signed up; there's a waitlist to get into a class with a 600 student cap.


My first rotation ended somewhat well; I managed to get some primer designs in before the rotation ended.  I wish I'd had more time to spend in the rotation.  I'm not having that problem with my second rotation, which I'm liking a LOT less.  I've already been more productive, I think; I've run a couple of qPCRs and next week, I'll be getting a lot of work done.  Too bad I just don't like the lab.


Biochemistry ended quite poorly, mood-wise.  I didn't do as well on the second test as I did on the first one, which is fine.  But I studied my ass off for the final, and it was absolutely ridiculous!  As in, "WHAT, how would I have known to study this?!"  All nine of us walked out of there shell-shocked.  He had our final class grades up by that evening, and about half the class had failed (B- or less).  WELL THEN.  Everyone panicked for the next 24 hours, at which point we all got individual emails from the professor apologizing for miscalculating the final grades.  So no one failed, but no one studied for molecular biology ...

So I didn't do so hot on that exam.  But I managed to get As in both classes.  This isn't just a first for me to have a 4.0 (although it's a first for me).  I've NEVER gotten As in university-level science classes.  Ever.  Ever.  No, really.  Yes, obviously studying pays off, and I've learned my lesson, etc.  Whatever.  Still can't believe it.

Personal life:

Physical therapy is going well.  I run on the treadmill most of the time that I'm there, but I made the mistake of running a 12-minute mile on Tuesday.  I know that's actually pretty slow, but for me, I used to have to work up to 12-minute miles.  My legs weren't sore, but wow, my cardio is not up for that.  Meanwhile, swelling is still a major problem, but it's slowly becoming less and less of an issue.  I'm finally sleeping under the covers at home, instead of on top of them so I can elevate all night.

I've been spending a lot of time with A. and S., which has been a lot of fun.  Haven't seen my friends from home as much, sadly, or friends from college.  I'm psyched to go visit my friend Am. soon, though!  Great way to spend winter break: catching up with a great friend, and NOT going to rotation.  Ahahahahaha.  My money says that we'll plan to go out a lot and have fun, but end up just staying in, lounging, hanging out, playing video games and watching movies and TV.  I absolutely CANNOT wait.  Am. is one of probably three people responsible for getting me through 2011, and I don't know what I'd do without her.

I started seeing someone, J., back in mid-November (I went out with him on a date instead of studying for the exam I had the next evening--whatever, I got an A).  Thanksgiving got in the way a bit, but after the holiday, things kind of picked up.  He's really great; honestly, the only flaw I can find so far is that he doesn't like Nutella.  Seriously.  Not that I want winter break to end, but it'll be nice when the holidays are over and I'm back from vacation and we don't have to wait to see each other because of this or that holiday/break commitment.


My bird is the cutest thing ever.  Also, I'm Monica Geller-ing the apartment; I now have a clean stove and a clean tub/shower with a new shower curtain.  I am magic.

Next semester:

When next semester begins, I'll still be in the middle of my current rotation; that'll be the case until early February.  I'll be taking two classes in addition to TFing again: Advanced Cell Biology and Biochemistry and Physiology of Reproduction.  S. is joining A. and me, teaching intro lab, so I can imagine our grading parties are going to be quite ridiculous.  If this semester is any indication of things to come, next semester will probably fly by.

Meanwhile, time for the family holiday tradition: Chinese food and a movie!  Man, I love being Jewish.