Friday, May 20, 2011

Email woes

Back in March, after I accepted the offer from BU, I was given early bird registration for email.  I was totally psyched, since I wanted to change my Facebook profile and display my change of networks.  Yeah, not all that important.  But as I continued to set up my account, I hit a roadblock.  That is, I set up my username and password, and then couldn't log into BU's Gmail system!

Two months later, I tried again, and discovered that my registration had gotten my account set up for the regular Horde email service.  To my dismay, the email client was even worse that the Tufts version.*  Then I set up my BU Gmail, but then struggled to connect either account to my regular Gmail.

I finally have had some success (I think).  Every time I get an email send to Horde, it gets sent to my BU Gmail, which then gets sent to my regular Gmail.  The only problems for now?  Every time I get a BU email, I first get an email from the Postmaster Bot telling me that I can't read the email.  Then I get the email.  I also can't seem to get Gmail to put a label on the incoming BU emails.  For now, I'll just deal with the lack of labels.  As for the spammy bot messages every time I get a BU email, I set up a filter that sends them directly to the trash.  Booyah.

I was worried that I might have gotten emails with important information about starting this fall, but I mostly just had meeting reminders and all-BU newsletters in my inbox.  Better safe than sorry, though!

* The Tufts version wasn't terrible, I suppose, but I didn't like it much.  It never occurred to me to forward my Tufts mail to Gmail, even though I had been using Gmail since high school, before getting my college email.  Now I know better, and I want all my email in one place!

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