Friday, October 14, 2011

Oh, the longest week ever

Columbus Day.  Rested most of the day, but then went to my rotation lab to do some PCRs.  There was no T for about 30 minutes, so I gave up and walked to campus.  After that, I went to a dinner party one of my classmates had.  It was a BLAST.  Then walked home from the Fenway at, like, 11pm, whoops.

Up at 7am for 8am PT.  Then I walked a mile and a half to campus for a 10am appointment at health services to get referrals for PT.  Then I went to my office across campus, another half mile or so, to meet with one of my undergrad learning assistants so we could go over the lab she was teaching Wednesday.  Then I went to class, and then office hours, and then another class.  And then I went to the lab to do two more PCRs.  Missed the bus home by about 15 seconds, and even ran to try to catch it.  Awesome.  Studied till I went to bed super late.

Woke up at 7am and left around 7:50 to get to my teaching lab at 8:30am.  Taught lab till noon, and then went to the lab to redo the PCRs I did on Monday (forgot to dilute the dNTPs, GREAT!), and to study for my Thursday exam.  Then, when I found out discussion at 4 was canceled, a bunch of us got together and got food before going to exam review.  I stayed till about 6:10 and then got home around 7.  Studied till late.

Was supposed to wake up at 6:30, but was so exhausted from studying, I woke up at 7.  I somehow managed to get out the door by 7:20 and got to lab at 7:55.  Taught lab till 11:30, but then stayed late to figure out what to do with a student who missed lab and couldn't do a make-up, but desperately wanted to.  Went to class at 12:30, and then went to office hours, where I was so frazzled, I bombed at actually helping the one student who came by.  I then studied with A. until 5pm, when we grabbed food before our 6pm exam.  Took me about two hours to complete, but then I had to rewrite an entire booklet because MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.  So I left around 9 and got home around 9:45.  Celebrated by watching Psych.

Woke up at 7:30, left at 8, to teach 9am lab (subbing for Ca., who's getting married).  Then went to seminar at noon, and then prep from 1-2:30.  Then grabbed lunch with K. and As., and hung out with K. until I had to leave for PT.  At this point, of course, my calves were swollen solid, and my physical therapists were pretty shocked and concerned.  So we mostly elevated, either with ice or heat, with only two activities, one of which was just stretching.  I caught the bus home and got back around 7:15.

And now, I am so, so, so exhausted ...

1 comment:

  1. Do you have to change you physical therapist? How come?
