Thursday, September 29, 2011

Birthday awesomeness

My birthday was a week ago, but I've barely had time to breathe since then!  Here's the rundown of the 25th birthday awesomeness.*

Woke up at 6:30am on ... not enough sleep and put on my awesome, pre-planned outfit.  Easily got to campus on time and taught my lab; the students were awesome, which made my day.  I then went to Starbucks and got the trifecta (80-cent black coffee in my caffeine-molecule mug, banana, pumpkin bread) and then ate it and called my mom.  Then biochem class, which was uneventful, following by office hours, where I helped out two students and started grading assignments.

Then we did something hugely irresponsible ... A. was already with me in the office for office hours, and she and S. had bought a bunch of nips.  S., C., Si., and At. came up to the office and we did shots/chasers.  Si. made a CAKE for me and At., whose birthday had been about a week or so before.  It was amazing!!  And then, uh, we went to class.

Molecular biology has never been so fun before, and probably will never be as fun again.

After dinner, I met up with S. at a bar in Kenmore, and we hung out and chatted for a while before deciding we wanted to try another bar.  We ended up at Boston Beer Works, where C. and then At. met up with us.  I stuck with cider for the evening, but it was pretty satisfying.  Got home around midnight and fell into bed.

The next morning, going to molecular biology discussion with a hangover wasn't very fun.  I went from discussion to seminar to lab prep, and then to grading.  On the way to the conference room where As., K., Ca., and A. were grading, I got an email with my rotations.  I got all three that I wanted, and I would be starting with my top choice.  Awesome!

After grading, I headed out to the Publick House to meet up with my friends Sc. and M., and M.'s husband I.  We had fun eating, drinking, and being obnoxious.  Way too much fun.  I didn't plan on getting any work done when I got home, but somehow, I found myself copying my notes at, like ... midnight.  I gave up around 1:30am when I was falling asleep at my desk, and the lovely upstairs neighbors woke me up when they got home around 2:30am.  I slept pretty late, which was awesome (yay, sleeping late!) and pretty shitty (crap, where did my day go?).

I spent the entire day at my desk, grading.  I think I was just super slow, or I must have been getting distracted a lot; it should not have taken me as long as it did to get it done.  At 7:00pm, I gave up, showered, got dressed, and headed to two different housewarming parties.  First, I went to my friend L.'s, and we chatted and drank wine while watching Mythbusters with her housemates and friends.  Then I headed out to Kenmore to C.'s party, where I hung out with him and S. until about 2 am.  S. was gracious enough to walk back to Coolidge Corner with me, which was badass awesome of her.  I wasn't overly intoxicated, but it's a 40 minute walk, and there were some creepy guys out.  A group of them tried to get our attention, and when we ignored them, they actually followed us for a bit.**

Sunday, I woke up late and graded before going out to lunch with my grandparents.  It was hugely stressful trying to get to the restaurant; there was some bike race that had closed Storrow, but the police were actually closing side streets as we were driving.  What?!  We finally got to the Summer Shack and had an enjoyable lunch.  I had way too much delicious fried food, mmmm.

After that, one of my high school friends, E., picked me up from Alewife and we went out to the boonies to my friend Cw.'s house, where we also met up with our friend Me.  They were surprising me with my birthday activity, which turned out to be apple picking!!  We headed out to the orchard in Stow and got a shitload of apples.*** When we got back to Cw.'s house, we heated up the dinner that Me. had cooked in advance, and she showed us how to make applesauce.  It was delicious omg.  After eating it with ice cream (YES, be jealous), Me., Cw., and I watched Tangled (E. had to go home, aw).

And then I got home around 10:30pm and stayed up till 1:00am getting my work done.  I have been catching up ever since!

I am so grateful for the amazing birthday I celebrated.  Everyone contributed to the wonderful time I had, four days running, and I definitely feel like 25 is going to be a good age for me.  With some exceptions (successful surgery, getting into grad school), 24 has kind of been shitting on me, so I need some happiness!


** This was entirely horrible, by the way.  Who the fuck thinks it's acceptable to follow women at 2:30am, and heckle them, when they are clearly ignoring you because they don't want to deal with you right now?  When people get all, "Sexism isn't a problem anymore," I want to bash them over the heads with examples like this, where it's just plain obvious how stupid some people are.

*** Scientific term.

1 comment:

  1. OMG Tangled is so awesome!!!

    PS. I would like your friends to plan my next birthday, sounds awesome :-)
