Sunday, September 18, 2011

Just about fall!

Friday's weather was absolutely gorgeous, and there's no question this weekend that fall is upon us.  I love fall; without a doubt, it's my favorite time of the year.  Some of my friends have been quick to point out that I'm somewhat biased, since my birthday usually falls on the equinox.  That's probably true, but it's hard to find people who don't love fall weather.  I'm one of those people who dislikes summer pretty intensely.  This summer was a bit easier; I actually enjoyed my trips to Florida and California, and my brother's wedding was pretty awesome, weather-wise.  But I love being able to step outside in a long-sleeved shirt and jeans and not sweat my ass off.

Plus, it just smells amazing.  And so many great things come in the fall.  The leaves turn, there are tons of apples (to be eaten with honey, of course), pumpkins are everywhere.  Fall in New England is just plain awesome.

I'm in a plaid skirt and an argyle sweater, drinking cinnamon tea and enjoying the warmth of my space heater.  Definitely, definitely fall!

This weekend has been mostly unproductive.  I got most of my work done; it just didn't take as long as I thought it would.  My PowerPoint for this week's lab is much shorter, and there's less to change about it this week.  I do need to practice it, and I need to figure out what else I want to add to the lesson, like quiz questions.  Reading is halfway done; I'm putting off reading molecular because the book isn't even required, and it's hugely boring.  But I read for my pedagogy seminar and biochem, and I copied all of my notes.

As for adult responsibilities, it's also been a fifty-fifty weekend.  Last night, I cleaned my room relatively thoroughly; I still need to find places for a ton of stuff I threw on my bookshelf, and I definitely didn't make sure my drawers were tidy.  But my floor no longer has shoes and cardboard all over it, and I also vacuumed.  I do need to do laundry, and I also really should go to the grocery store, both things I'm planning to do tomorrow evening when I get home from campus.  Again, I should have done them today, which is why I feel unproductive.

Meanwhile, my body is struggling a bit.  I'm elevating and icing my legs quite a bit, but it feels like such an uphill battle sometimes.  I know that starting tomorrow, they're just going to swell up painfully again, and by my birthday, I'll have trouble getting my AMAZING new boots on.

But I also have to remind myself that they will heal.  The horrible left interior incision is healing very nicely; it's still got a ways to go, but it looks so much better than it did even a couple weeks ago that I'm finally relaxing about it.  So I have to remember that in a few weeks, I'll be running again, and the swelling will be less horrific.  Slowly but surely, my legs will heal, and this will all be just a frustrating memory.

Finally, I'm coming down with my first cold of the school year.  I had a ton of colds back in the winter and spring of this past year (four in a row starting on Thanksgiving; it was pretty miserable!).  I'm trying to take care of this one, resting a lot and drinking lots of tea.  I'll be sure to grab something with vitamin C in it tomorrow at the store, although I do wonder how vitamin C helps fight off colds.  I learned in biochem that it's a hugely important coenzyme in the production of collagen.  But I don't know if susceptibility to colds is really a symtpom of scurvy.  I wonder!

1 comment:

  1. When did you go to Florida?

    I agree, I love the colors and smells of fall. But in places where there's actually a legit spring and it doesn't just jump right from snow to sweltering hot summer, I love the feeling of the weather warming up and seeing the flowers start to bloom. So I have a hard time picking between the two. And I still haven't worn out on snow :-) Basically Hawaii girl still isn't sick of seasons period haha!

    I wonder if the Vit C/collagen thing has anything to do with cell-cell junctions and keeping bacteria/viruses out? Just a random theory from the very tired brain of a vet student :-P

    PS: your unproductive weekend sounds amazingly productive in comparison to what I usually consider productive in my world!
